How-To Install SQL Server

A Beginner’s Guide to SQL Server Installation on Windows A database is at the heart of every efficient application and it is the backbone that supports the entire structure. They store, manage and retrieve large amounts of data that is critical to an application’s function. SQL (Structured Query Language) databases have become ubiquitous in the… Read more »

Windows vs macOS: What’s the Best for You?

An operating system lies at the heart of the modern-day computer’s functionality. Windows and macOS are two of the leading operating systems used by a significant number of computer users. Each has its own pros and cons: this article puts them side-by-side, allowing you make a well-informed between the two. User Interface The user interface,… Read more »

Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome

Comparing Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome in an AIR World – Which is Better? We have currently witnessed Microsoft being heavily invested in repositioning its brand as the best browser in the market. Initially, due to their dominance, they exploited the market and stayed content with a redundant Internet explorer. Forcing it on people, decorated… Read more »

Get Early Access to Bing’s ChatGPT Bot

How-to Get Early Access to Bing’s ChatGPT Bot Remember the frustrating days of Internet Explorer? In the early days of the Internet, Microsoft Internet Explorer was one of the most popular web browsers available. However, using it as a search engine could be incredibly frustrating. The search functionality was clunky and often returned irrelevant or… Read more »

Install Linux on Windows Using VMWare

Deploy Linux on VMware Player VMware is an emulator that allows you to create scenarios and work on networks simulation. Unlike normal simulators, an emulator can interact with real-life environments. We can make machines on this emulator and install operating systems of our choice on this machine. Now that we are well-versed in the basics… Read more »

Learn Useful Windows Shortcuts

Here are some useful Windows Shortcuts that you should Learn Have you ever looked at people and been left in awe by their wizardry on the keyboard? These people do not need a mouse or touchpad or a touchscreen. Just by the agility and swiftness of their fingers, they dance around the keyboard and cover… Read more »

Improve Memory Performance on Windows

Here is how you can increase RAM on your computer If you are using an older system with limited RAM, you may experience performance issues. Adding more RAM can improve the overall performance of your system. There are several ways to increase the amount of RAM on your computer: 1. Adding more RAM: You can… Read more »

Solve DNS Server Unavailable Issue

How to solve the problem “Your DNS server might be unavailable” While browsing, you might have faced a problem, where you are unable to reach the desired site despite correctly searching for it. This might also occur when you use a link to redirect the user to a page directly. The main issue is not… Read more »