Category: Performance Issues

w3wp.exe: Your Web App’s Best Friend or Foe?

Various processes play key roles in the various computer programs and applications. Explore the significance of w3wp.exe’s part. In the realm of web application development and management, one process stands out as both: a vital component and a potential source of headaches: **w3wp.exe**. This executable file is the core process for IIS (Internet Information Services),… Read more »

Svchost.exe Decoded: Your Guide to Windows’ Backbone

Windows System users are often confused about svchost.exe’s role in their systems. Here’s what it really does. When exploring the depths of the Windows operating system, one file that regularly pops up is svchost.exe. For many, this file is a mystery: an obscure process operating in the background that appears multiple times in the Task… Read more »

ctfmon.exe: Your Personal Windows Assistant Unveiled

Windows has multiple key processes that assist in its functionalities. Explore ctfmon.exe’s role as a key Windows process. In the vast landscape of Windows operating system processes, ctfmon.exe is a name that frequently pops up, often leaving users puzzled about its purpose and necessity. This process, though often running silently in the background, plays a… Read more »

Ntoskrnl Bluescreen Blues: Unraveling Causes and Cures

Facing a myriad of problems when using computers is common. The Blue Screen of Death is one such instance, but what does it mean? Read on to find out. Computer users commonly face varying problems while accessinga Windows computer system. Only a few might be as common yet frustrating as the infamous Blue Screen of… Read more »

Demystifying Conhost.exe: Unveiling Its Role in Your System

Conhost.exe happens to be another Windows component users have mixed opinions on, but what is its reality? Windows consists of a multitude of processes that users have no information on. The lack of knowledge results in suspicions regarding the file’s authenticity: is it potential malware? Conhost.exe is one such process that is questioned by computer… Read more »

Solve DNS Server Unavailable Issue

How to solve the problem “Your DNS server might be unavailable” While browsing, you might have faced a problem, where you are unable to reach the desired site despite correctly searching for it. This might also occur when you use a link to redirect the user to a page directly. The main issue is not… Read more »

Alternatives to Windows apps

Here are some Great Battery-Saving Alternatives to Windows Apps Does it ever frustrate you to watch your battery drain in no time? Especially, when there are no charging ports around you? We will be laying out alternatives to battery-hungry applications and a few tips to optimize battery usage. Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge is the default… Read more »

Set Program Affinity in Windows

Here is how you can set Program Affinity in Windows to Start a Program with a Specific CPU core Windows is an advanced operating system with tons of hidden features that the common user usually doesn’t even know about. However, if you are a power user who wants to know about the features that will… Read more »

Kill a Process Using Command Prompt

Here is how you can kill a process in Windows using a Command-Line Interface Operating systems started out as command-line interfaces, allowing a user to only interact with a computer using text. Just text. White text on a black screen. The modern operating system is an evolution and is light years ahead, in terms of… Read more »

Kill Not Responding Apps from Task Manager

Here is how you can kill an App that is Not Responding using the Task Manager What makes a Windows computer great is the ability to download and use a ton of third-party softwares, in addition to the ones bundled by Microsoft. However, since there is a very wide range of available specs and hardware… Read more »