Tag: DNS

Solve DNS Server Unavailable Issue

How to solve the problem “Your DNS server might be unavailable” While browsing, you might have faced a problem, where you are unable to reach the desired site despite correctly searching for it. This might also occur when you use a link to redirect the user to a page directly. The main issue is not… Read more »

How-To Check Your IP Address

Here is how you can check your Computer’s IP Address in Windows The internet is a collection of networks across the globe, allowing each computer connected to the network to send and receive data by using a pre-defined set of protocols and rules. Each PC, phone or any device that needs to connect to this… Read more »

How-To Change DNS Settings

Here is how you can change DNS settings in Windows Internet is one of the greatest inventions of humankind, and has been made possible only through the intersection of multiple technologies and networks, combining to make one big network. There are numerous protocols in place that allow communication over the internet and theĀ DNSĀ (Domain Name System)… Read more »