Author: EXE Files Team

Enable or Disables Applications and Services at Startup in Windows

Here is how you can enable or disable applications and services that automatically start at Startup in Windows Windows, being a general-purpose operating system, is made up a ton of micro-services, drivers, and different first-party, as well as third-party softwares working together in order to provide you with the ideal experience. In the early days… Read more »

Be a Pro at Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

The ultimate guide to up your Windows skills with Keyboard Shortcuts Windows has been designed as a general-purpose operating system, aimed at the average user as well as power users who want to speed up every task as much as possible. For power users, it is necessary to cut down the time spent on mundane… Read more »

How-To Activate God Mode in Windows

What is God Mode and how to activate it in Windows Microsoft’s Windows is a general-purpose, GUI(Graphical User Interface) operating system. Designed for all kinds of users, from business users to casual (and even pro) gamers to teachers, students, and even office workers. Therefore, it is filled to the brim with all kind of settings… Read more »

Automate Maintenance Tasks in Windows

Here is how you can automate maintenance tasks in Windows Windows has gone through a ton of iterations, improving itself at every update. But it also has grown substantially bigger to accommodate new technologies, growing more complex with every update. Each added feature comes with an added complexity and learning curve. With time, however, Windows… Read more »