"C" Adobe Systems Incorporated Files

List of all Adobe Systems Incorporated files, for all file extensions, starting with "C"

Rows per page:        of 14
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
JSON file C101ED0E-84DF-425D-BECD-F2460BBF184E.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C232A310-F0D9-4A42-9A1D-7CB7D3396635.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C2D69D76-0D05-4CC9-AED0-CD6AF83C5BE5.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C39C6769-19D5-4E44-9823-647748708255.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C3C1CFAE-590A-4DD7-9A0F-0F91F7DE9BDC.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C4B1491F-E976-4708-9193-2067389906AE.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C5521B95-F032-4E9B-8A4B-97594C0924D1.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C57E32AF-ED60-40B8-BE11-6D50F1C50C6C.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C5F6AB22-BEF9-4819-93CE-D7B23DC0B0A1.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C703542A-D43D-4500-B241-621A12A37152.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C959501D-AFAA-4F2A-B97E-C5A81D388F4B.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file C9820BFB-EC6C-443C-AB42-D410BDE6009E.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CAHeadlessPlugin Loading.log Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
DLL file CAT.dll Adobe Captivate
JSON file CB1214C4-731C-4A5E-AF01-3F835ACA0ECA.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file CB6EB2A3-7B9E-41D2-9840-6EB45CFD8796.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CC Library Process.log Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
EXE file CC Troubleshooter.exe Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DLL file CCDContainer.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
PF file CCLIBRARY.EXE-053A1AFE.pf Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
PF file CCLIBRARY.EXE-A10140E1.pf Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
DLL file CCLibrariesSupport.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
EXE file CCLibrary.exe Adobe Audition CS6
LOG file CCLibraryProcessInstall.log Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
EXE file CCLibraryUninstallHook.exe Adobe Audition CS6
SIG file CCM.sig Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
SWF file CCMFlex.swf Adobe Captivate 2017 Release
DLL file CCMNative.dll Adobe Captivate
DLL file CCM_UI.dll Adobe Captivate
LOG file CCX Process.log Adobe Photoshop CC
PF file CCXPROCESS.EXE-1FE93471.pf Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
EXE file CCXProcess.exe Adobe Premiere Pro CC
LOG file CCXProcessInstall.log Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
EXE file CCXUninstallHook.exe Adobe Premiere Pro CC
XML file CC_Lightroom_6.14.xml Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
XML file CC_PREMIERE PRO_13.0.0.xml Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
JSON file CD22299B-290C-49AB-B948-5731CF8500F1.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file CD9AD6E1-901D-4B57-ABB7-FE297AB8C836.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
JSON file CE96D1AF-3289-4C2C-B0EB-CFD0B16A1920.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEF.log Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
XML file CEMConfig.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
JS file CEMHelper.js Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
DLL file CEMPod.dll Adobe Photoshop Elements
XML file CEMPrefs.xml Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020
TXT file CENTEURO.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
LOG file CEP9-FLPR.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEP9-ILST.log Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
LOG file CEP9-PPRO.log Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
JS file CEPEngine_extensions.js Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-0031D109.pf Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-0031D10A.pf Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-ABA36369.pf Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-ABA3636A.pf Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-CB8177D2.pf Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-CB8177D3.pf Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-CB8177D4.pf Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-F9751AE8.pf Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
PF file CEPHTMLENGINE.EXE-F9751AE9.pf Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
EXE file CEPHtmlEngine.exe Adobe Premiere Pro CC
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-AUDT-12.1.5-com.adobe.audition.OnboardingEx-renderer.log Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-AUDT-12.1.5-com.adobe.audition.OnboardingEx.log Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-FLPR-19.2.1-com.adobe.animate.start-renderer.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-FLPR-19.2.1-com.adobe.animate.start.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-FLPR-19.2.1-com.adobe.flash.Toast-renderer.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-FLPR-19.2.1-com.adobe.flash.Toast.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-FLPR-19.2.1-com.adobe.flash.WebfontsWorker-renderer.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-FLPR-19.2.1-com.adobe.flash.WebfontsWorker.log Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-ILST-23.1.0-com.adobe.ccx.start-renderer.log Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-ILST-23.1.0-com.adobe.ccx.start.log Adobe Illustrator CC CC 2019 (23.1)
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-PPRO-13.0.0-com.adobe.ccx.start-renderer.log Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
LOG file CEPHtmlEngine9-PPRO-13.0.0-com.adobe.ccx.start.log Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
JSON file CF1AB5BE-EB51-4392-8528-AD4F0FA05274.json Adobe Flash Professional CC (not specified)
DLL file CFHDDecoder.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
DLL file CFHDDecoder64.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
DLL file CFHDEncoder.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
DLL file CFHDEncoder64.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
MD file CHANGES.md PageBreeze Free HTML Editor 5.0a
TXT file CHINSIMP.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CHINTRAD.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
DLL file CIT.dll Adobe Captivate
DLL file CITThreading.dll Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
DLL file CNSWin_MacEnc.dll Adobe Photoshop
XML file COLORWORKSPACELAYOUT.xml Adobe Premiere Pro CC 14
TXT file COPYING.LGPLv2.1.txt CyberLink Media Suite 13
DLL file COR.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC
PF file CORESYNC.EXE-2CFC7B9F.pf Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
PF file CORESYNCCUSTOMHOOK.EXE-12A00E50.pf Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
PF file CORESYNCCUSTOMHOOK.EXE-D885111B.pf Adobe Audition CS6 CS6
TXT file CORPCHAR.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1250.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1253.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1254.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1255.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1256.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1257.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP1258.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP874.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP932.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP936.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
TXT file CP950.TXT QuarkXPress 9.5.1
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