"S" AnchorFree Files

List of all AnchorFree files, for all file extensions, starting with "S"

Rows per page:        of 1
File Extension Filename Software Name Latest File Version
ETL file SIH.20191005.130528.275.1.etl Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
ETL file SIH.20191031.122514.356.1.etl Hotspot Shield Elite 7.15.1
ETL file ScreenOnPowerStudyTraceSession-2019-10-05-12-58-34.etl Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
ETL file ScreenOnPowerStudyTraceSession-2019-10-31-12-16-39.etl Hotspot Shield Elite 7.15.1
DLL file SimpleInjector.dll PDFCreator
AODL file SyncEngine-2019-10-05.2001.5844.1.aodl Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
AODL file SyncEngine-2019-10-31.1919.2920.1.aodl Hotspot Shield Elite 7.15.1
DLL file System.Memory.dll Betternet 4.6.27129.4
HTML file safe.html MATLAB R2009a
CFG file sd-info-direct.cfg Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
CFG file sd-info-main.cfg Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
CFG file startup.cfg Hotspot Shield 7.9.0
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