"L" LUA Filer

Lista över alla LUA-filer som börjar med "L"

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Filnamn Programvarunamn Utvecklarens namn Senaste filversionen
L2AFlanker.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
L2AHider.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
L2ALeader.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
Larry.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
LeanFire.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
LoginDialog.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
LrPreset2XMP.lua Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated 2020
LuaXml.lua Aura Free Video Converter Aura4You 1.6.3
ladder.lua Far Cry 2 Ubisoft (not specified)
layout_template_sizes.lua Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Systems Incorporated 6.7 (CC 2015.7)
lighting.lua Motocross The Force JSTARLAB 964
load_dat.lua MAME Open Source 0.211b
ltn12.lua Aura Free Video Converter Aura4You 1.6.3
luathink.lua Half-Life 2 Garry's mod Garry 9.04
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