
Overzicht van alle bestanden met de bestandsextensie WWD (Data)

Rijen per bladzijde:        of 1
Bestandsnaam Softwarenaam Naam van de ontwikkelaar Laatste bestandsversie
AutoscriptProlog.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Change sig to p.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Clean Viewer.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Create Pivot Table.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
ExportTablesToExcelFiles.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Frequencies footnote.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Global.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Make Text Red Autoscript.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Means Report.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
PptExport.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Remove labels.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Rerun syntax from note.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Run held out cases.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Script with parameter.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Standardize Within Case.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Swap Rows and Columns Autoscript.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
SyntaxConverter.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Traffic Light.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Undo Scientific Notation.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
Workbook.wwd PASW Statistics SPSS Inc 18
l1033.wwd Office Microsoft 2003
l2057.wwd Windows Microsoft 8.1
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