Tag: User

How-To Right-Click Using Your Keyboard

Here is how you can Right-Click something in Windows using just your keyboard The Windows GUI has come a long way and has introduced several amazing innovative ideas that have shaped the way we used a computer. From the window-ed environment to the iconic Start button (which has also evolved with each version of Windows)… Read more »

Check Who Has Access to a Certain Directory in Windows

Here is how you can check who has access to a certain Directory in Windows One of the biggest advantages of having a PC operating system like Windows is a fully-functional user management system which allows you to create multiple users with different levels of access and permission levels. This also allows the administrator of… Read more »

See All Your Saved Passwords in Windows

Here is how you can see all your saved passwords in Windows The connected world may have made everything more accessible but it has also brought with it its own share of problems, like the lack of digital security. As a result, we now have to remember passwords for everything, from our social network accounts… Read more »

How to Share Files with Local Users on Windows

Here is how you can Share Files with Different Local Users on Windows Windows is a complete general purpose operating system, with its own set of tricks and nifty little tools to help you do pretty much anything you want. While there are thousands of third-party applications that allow you to customize the look and… Read more »