Tag: folder

Share File on Windows Using WiFi

How to Share Files on Windows Using over a network using just WiFi One of the most popular trends of the 21st century has been the move to wireless. Technologies like Bluetooth, WiFi, Wireless Charging have quickly annihilated the need for wires, allowing us to share, connect, and even charge our devices without any wires.… Read more »

Open PowerShell or CommandPrompt from inside a Folder

Here is how you can open PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt from inside a Folder The Windows GUI may be intuitive and useful for the general user, allowing them to easily perform a task through the traditional click-and-point, window-ed graphical interface, but it also limits things for pro users, reducing the speed and efficiency with… Read more »

Taking File or Folder Ownership in Windows

Here is how you can take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows Windows is designed to be a shared, multi-user operating system from the very core, and has deep integration and settings allowing it to be smoothly used by different users. It has set rules and configurations that give different users different levels… Read more »

How to Share Files with Local Users on Windows

Here is how you can Share Files with Different Local Users on Windows Windows is a complete general purpose operating system, with its own set of tricks and nifty little tools to help you do pretty much anything you want. While there are thousands of third-party applications that allow you to customize the look and… Read more »